Instagram, Reddit & Snapchat:


In order to use some of the tools, you must know the Instagram Account Name of the subject(s) you wish to research.

Overview: Tool:
Profile by account name
Keyword/hashtag search
Alternative keyword/hashtag search
Historical data search via Google
Account mentions search via Google
Linked to Twitter?
Basic account analytics
Detailed account analytics
Compare 2 users
Compare 3 users

Misc Instagram Tools:


In order to use some of the tools, you must know the Reddit Account Name of the subject you wish to research.

Overview: Tool:
Posts by user
Posts by user via Pushshift
User analytics via Atomiks
User analytics via SnoopSnoo
Comments search via Pushshift

Misc Reddit Tools:


N.B. any results for usernames or videos are an approximation based on publicly available information, as such, any negative results, does not necessarily mean the username is not in use or a video has not been posted.

Overview: Tool:
Video search by location
Username search via Google
Snapdex username search

Misc Username Tools:

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